Alert Hiker Helps One-Armed Woman Pull Her Mother From Falling Off Cliff

Helping people chooses no perfect place and time. When someone is in need, the best course of action is to step in to help.

Meet Taylor

Taylor Root is a YouTuber who records video clips of his hiking adventures, and little did he know that the was up for something completely different from his usual content in one of his hikes.

Famous Falls

Multnomah Falls is one of the most famous tourist sites in the Pacific Northwest, with over two million visitors each year.

A Good Day

Taylor was just going about his day, walking the 80-mile gorge toward the falls with his GoPro.

He Heard A Voice

While he was walking, he suddenly heard a woman’s voice, crying for help.

Someone’s In Danger

He walked over to where the voice was coming from, and there, he saw a woman hunched over the edge of a cliff.

Her Mom Slipped

Taylor walked closer and he saw that the woman was holding onto her mother who was hanging by the cliff.

He Tried To Help

Taylor immediately got down on the ground and reached for the old woman. He asked the daughter to hold onto both her mother’s feet, but she told him she couldn’t because she only had one arm.

He Did His Best

Taylor then came up with strategies to pull the old woman up, despite her cries to just let her go so she wouldn’t endanger her daughter’s life, but Taylor was determined to help her so he told her he was going to pull her up by the armpits, and that’s how he successfully pulled the mother to safety.

He Shined

The woman was immensely grateful for Taylor’s help. Taylor couldn’t believe what just happened, but he remembered receiving a fortune cookie earlier that said, “You will have an opportunity to shine this week,” and lo and behold, he did shine.

Watch how Taylor saved the woman’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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