Heroic Boy Saves Sister From Being Kidnapped By Moving Car

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Being a hero knows no age. Bravery is not only possessed by adults. Even little kids have it too.

Their Protectors


Children depend on adults to take care of them and keep them safe, but the reality is, we can’t always be there for them.

The World We Live In


It may not be our intention, but the world is slowly becoming a dangerous place for little kids.

Cases Of Kidnapping


Less than 350 people under 21 years of age have been kidnapped in the United States every year from 2010–2017 while about 50,000 people were reported missing in 2001 who were younger than 18.

Keeping Them Safe


While adults may not be able to keep an eye on their children at all times, some older siblings have stepped up to take the responsibility of looking after their younger siblings.

Selfless Act

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A CCTV camera spotted a little boy’s heroic deed when he saved his sister from a kidnappers’ moving car.

One Goal In Mind

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The brave little boy didn’t mind the risk of helping his sister escape the moving car. Perhaps, all he was thinking about was getting his sibling to safety.

He Succeeded

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In a matter of seconds, the two kids escaped and they are free. Thanks to the little boy’s boldness, the Middletown Division of Police was able to make an arrest.

He’s A Hero, No Doubt


Chief Muterspaw said, “This little guy is a hero. No question. He pulled his sister out of the car with no concern for his own safety. That is incredible at his age.”

Watch the little boy’s amazing save in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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