Baby’s Heart Stops Beating For 20 Minutes And Survives

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Most of us dream of witnessing a miracle take place before us, but this family did not only witness a wondrous miracle. It happened to them.

The Sheriff Family

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Jacob and Hannah Sheriff from Sherman, Texas had four children when they were expecting their fifth one in 2018.

Something’s Wrong


Hannah was in labor in a Texas hospital when she suddenly felt that something was very wrong. She said, “I said I felt like I’m going to faint or pass out. The room just began narrowing,” so she was immediately prepped for an emergency C-section.

Complicated Delivery


Hannah had experienced a placental abruption and was losing a lot of b***d, and the baby was showing no signs of life. Dr. Kinion Whittington, Hannah’s OB-GYN physician, said, “After about 10 minutes if you don’t have a fetal heart rate, it’s just a futile effort.”

They Asked For Prayers


Jacob started praying for his family, and he also sent a text to friends and family requesting their prayers for the life of their newborn baby as well.

Urias’s Condition

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The baby, who they named Urias, was intubated and sent to Texas Health Presbyterian in Plano where he was diagnosed with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Urias had experienced a lack of oxygen and b***d and his brain was seriously damaged.

Battling The Impossible

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Hannah and Jacob found out that Urias might never walk, talk or feed himself, and that he probably would have cerebral palsy and seizures, but Urias’s 40% chance of surviving didn’t stop the family from battling in prayers.

Holding The Ropes


A Facebook page called “Pray For Baby Urias” was created, and a lot of other churches, friends of friends, and believers all over the world prayed for Urias.

A Miracle Happened

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One night, Nurse Latricia Bell was checking on Urias when she saw his eyes open and looking around. She called Jacob who rushed in to see his son give the faintest sign of life.

Urias Survived

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Everyone who witnessed Urias’s journey is convinced that what happened to him was God’s miracle. He eventually went home with his family, and later on hit all the normal baby milestones as he underwent full recovery.

Watch baby Urias’s inspiring story of miraculous survival in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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