Woman Born Without Uterus Overcomes The Impossible By Giving Birth To A Healthy Baby Girl

The story of the Goldman family is one of resiliency, tying together strands of happiness and sorrow while honoring the victory of medical creativity and the human spirit.

Meet Liz

Liz Goldman’s journey to motherhood was far from typical. From being a hopeless woman, she worked her way toward being a loving and blessed mother.

Her Condition

In her teenage years, Liz was diagnosed with the absence of a uterus. This caused her fear of the reality of potentially never being able to bear her own child.

What She Had To Go Through

Liz and her husband Timmy relocated from Mobile to Birmingham to embark on a journey through an innovative uterus transplant program at UAB.

Long Process

Liz went through a series of treatments and regular check-ups at UAB – including lab draws, appointments, and biopsies.

A Blessing

One day, a grieving mother chose to donate her daughter’s organs, which provided a gift to the Goldmans that transformed their lives.

Meet Zari Grace

The family and the medical team, who had put in countless hours to make this moment possible, celebrated the birth of Liz and Timmy’s baby girl, Zari Grace.


This successful delivery has pushed the bounds of medical science, given many people hope, and offered new avenues for research. Liz now has the opportunity to grow their family in the future, which emphasizes how beneficial the transplant was.

From Impossible To Reality

The story of Zari Grace’s birth provides a striking example of both the resilience of the human spirit and the progress made in medical science, and the Goldman family extends their gratitude to the medical staff for making the impossible possible.

Watch the amazing story of Zari Grace’s birth in the video below.

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