Oblivious Girl Unknowingly Lures Curious Hawk In While Playing The Guitar

Good music sometimes brings us into a state of being “unbothered” about what’s happening around us. We just want to soak ourselves in the melody and live in the moment.

Casual Moment

A woman named Nikki Kundanmal who seemed to be having a slow day at home decided to grab her guitar and play some chill music.

Her Companion

With her loyal pup named Khushi with her, Nikki started playing a song that suddenly got interrupted by her doggo’s barking.

Hush, Little Dog

Nikki hushed Khushi because she thought he was just barking for no reason, but little did she know that her pup saw an uninvited visitor by her back door.

A Curious Hawk

The visitor turned out to be a hawk who might have heard her music and got lured by curiosity.

He Went In

Without making any noise, the sneaky hawk entered through the open door and flew onto Nikki’s table.

It Was Chaotic

When the hawk decided to make his presence known by stepping onto Nikki’s plate, that’s when the startled woman started screaming in panic, accompanied by Khushi’s angered barking.

Come Here, You Bird

The hawk wandered around Nikki’s apartment for a few seconds as Khushi tried his best to get his paws on the sneaky bird, but unfortunately for him, he had no wings to go after the hawk.

That’s All, Folks

After causing chaos in Nikki’s apartment, the hawk eventually went out to go on about his day while Nikki and her dog were left in disbelief about what just happened.

Watch how a strange hawk invited himself to Nikki’s apartment in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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