Talent makes a person 10x more attractive and beautiful.
A 60s Hit
In 1964, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel introduced the song “The Sound of Silence” and made it hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
Meet Jamie
Jamie Dupuis, a Canadian musician, probably made one of the best renditions of “The Sound of Silence”.
Jamie plays the song with an 18-string harp guitar. Despite his instrument looking complicated, Jamie shows his mastery of playing it and making it “sing”.
His Setting
The calmness that his music encourages fits perfectly in the peaceful forest where he is recording the music video.
Captivating Music
Every note will surely capture the listener at the moment. It’s like hearing a lullaby and a serenade at the same time.
Jamie seems to become one with his instrument in producing a mesmerizing melody. What a talented man!
His Other Works
Jamie has a YouTube channel full of his song covers of various hits like “And I Love Her” by The Beatles, “Going To California” by Led Zeppelin, and “Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who.
“The Gift That Keeps On Giving”
People on the internet leave comments on how grateful they are that people like Jamie share their incredible talent to everyone who needs to be inspired.
Watch Jamie Dupuis play his 18-string harp guitar in the middle of the forest in the video below.
Watch Video Here: