Two Noble Teens Give Free Haircuts And Burgers To Homeless People

Kindness pays back, whether we believe it or not, but people with the kindest hearts are those who do not expect anything in return.

Meet Darnell

Darnell Wells is a 19-year-old barber who initiated a kind gesture for homeless people around his block.

His Business

He has a barber shop in Frayser called “The Shop,” but he knows that not everyone is able to pay to get a haircut.

So He Came To Them

Darnell decided to go out of his shop and set up his chair right under the scorching heat of the sun to give homeless people a badly needed haircut.

Inspiring People

Darnell shared on Facebook about his mission, in hopes of inspiring other people to do the same. He said, “Honestly, we didn’t set out for recognition. But I felt an inner push to share our story, with the hope that it might light a spark in someone else to do good.”

A Friend Helped

Eventually, a friend of his named Zac Sherrod reached out to him with an idea to give out burgers to the people he’s giving a haircut, and he’s generous enough to volunteer to buy the burgers with his own money. He said, “When I saw Darnell’s post on Facebook about this venture, I knew I had to jump in. It was a call to action I couldn’t ignore.”

Successful Mission

On their first day, Darnell was already content with the success of their little project. He said, “The day started slow. Just two individuals approached us initially. But word spread, and by the end of the day, I had styled nine heads, with a queue still forming. And the cherry on top? We distributed around 30 burgers to those who came by.”

Not Just A Haircut

Zac is also pleased with the outcome of their little project. He said, “There was this undeniable feeling, almost divine, that pushed us to do more, to be more. We genuinely believed we were answering a higher call.”

Shared Lives

Darnell believes that they’re not only giving out free haircuts to people, but they’re also giving them company. He said, “It was a two-way street. They opened up about their journeys, their challenges, and in return, offered us a treasure trove of life lessons.”

Watch how Darnell and Zac’s “free haircut and burger” project changed their and other people’s lives in the video below.

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