Grumpy Lion Plays With His Cubs For The First Time

YouTube Screenshot, Oregon Zoo

There’s nothing like a dad’s joy upon seeing his babies for the first time.

The King Of The Jungle


Lions are known for being tough and fearless, but they can be softies too when their little ones are around.

A First-Time Dad

YouTube Screenshot, Oregon Zoo

A lion in the Oregon zoo named Zawadi Mungu became a father to three cubs in 2014.

Seeing Them For The First Time

YouTube Screenshot, Oregon Zoo

The alpha lion took a few minutes before he got used to the idea that he’s already a dad. After a while, his cubs were already climbing on him.

The Zookeepers Were Hopeful


Knowing that Zawadi may be grumpy sometimes, the zookeepers watched closely during the lions’ first meeting, but they were relieved when they saw the alpha lion playing with his cubs.

Showing Them To The Public


When the lions got used to each other, the zookeepers decided to share the lovable moment with the visitors in the Oregon Zoo.

A Protective Dad

YouTube Screenshot, Oregon Zoo

The visitors witnessed how Zawadi watched his babies’ every move, and how he’s very much protective of them.

Still A Little Bit Grumpy

YouTube Screenshot, Oregon Zoo

Since he’s a new dad, it’s just understandable that he’s not that familiar yet with the annoying playfulness of cubs, so he still needs more time getting used to it.

He’s Got An Award


In 2014, Zawadi became a great dad and even got recognized as the “Father of the Year” by the Oregon Zoo.

Watch how an alpha lion acts around his new cubs for the first time in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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