Grieving Woman Reunites With Son She Put Up For Adoption After Her Husband’s Passing

Facebook, Janice Hoy-Strong

Believing in fate means trusting that when the time is right, all things shall fall into their proper places.

Meet Janice


Janice Hoy was only 17 years old when she and her partner, Earl Strong, got pregnant.

She Was Still Young

Facebook, Janice Hoy-Strong

They knew they weren’t ready to become parents at the time, so they decided to put the baby up for adoption after giving birth in December 1987.

They Moved On


Despite the tough decision, Janice and Earl still hoped to meet their son someday. They went on with their lives, got married, and had three kids, but they didn’t give up their hope for their firstborn son – Janice even secretly registered her name with the government in case her son would look for her.

An Incident


Janice and Earl were waiting for their youngest son to turn 16 before they tell them about their eldest brother. However, Earl passed away in 2018 when his snowmobile fell through the ice on Sturgeon Lake in Ontario.

Coping With The Loss


Janice went to therapy after being treated for depression. She was told she needed to grieve the loss of her husband, as well as the loss of her firstborn child.

Finding Her Son


Eventually, Janice was able to track down her son named Kevin Ferguson with the help of an adoption consultant. She sent him a text saying, “Hello, I’m your birth mother. I’ve been waiting my — your — whole life to hear from you. I hope you’ll text me back.”

They Reunited

Facebook, Janice Hoy-Strong

Kevin, on the other hand, responded to his mom’s text saying, “I had been waiting for this message my whole life. So many questions go through my head. Who are you? Where are you from? What’s our background? Do I have siblings?”

Happy Family

Facebook, Janice Hoy-Strong

As it turns out, Kevin and Janice lived only 15 minutes away from each other. Janice told her sons about it and they all eventually met up with Kevin. “The first time I saw him, I knew I loved him,” Janice said.

Source: Spotlight

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