Rescued Greyhound Who Had Never Been Indoors Gets Adopted By Loving Family

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Dogs, when treated right, can be one of the sweetest and most lovable creatures in the whole world.

Family Pet


Greyhounds, because of their gentle personalities and laid-back nature, make great pets for families with kids or babies and even seniors.

Meet Claude

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Claude is a rescued greyhound who’s now adjusting to a new life with his new loving family.

His Sad Story


Before he was rescued, his previous owner lost interest in raising him properly and kept him in a paddock for two years.

The Brightside


Thankfully, Claude was then surrendered to Brightside, a rescue group in Tasmania that’s committed to rescuing greyhounds and finding forever homes for them.

Love At First Sight

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

When Claude’s new family first met him, they immediately fell in love with him. His furmom said, “As soon as we met Claude, he just was so sweet. He stayed right next to us the whole time. We felt like he was the right dog for us.”

Adjusting Period

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

The first few weeks were quite hard for all of them as Claude has never been indoors so he was lost and confused at first when he was brought home.

His Personality Emerged

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

After some time, Claude started gradually building trust in his new family and started showing affection to them, especially to the family’s little boy.

His Favorite Place


His owners would often take him to the beach nearby, and his face would light up upon feeling the sand and seawater on his feet. It’s one of the places where he can run freely and energetically.

Sweet Dog

YouTube, GeoBeats Animals

Claude’s new owners say that he loves being around people but not so much with other dogs yet. Regardless, they are all very supportive of his adjustment to the new life he now has, and they’re very much willing to shower him with all the love he deserves.

Watch the beautiful story of how Claude’s personality changed when he found a new loving family in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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