91-Year-Old Grandma Shares Her Night Routine

Kuro / Live in Hokkaido, YouTube

We’re curious creatures – we’re so fascinated with lives that aren’t our own. So getting a small glimpse of someone else’s life, culture, and routine is an amazing gift.

A Quiet Life

We are welcomed into the life of a charming grandma living in Hokkaido, Japan, whose nighttime routine and rituals provide a vivid image of Japanese culture.

Sunset Time

As the sun starts to set, she displays her Hina dolls in a special location in her house. This tradition is connected to Hinamatsuri, an early March ceremony honoring daughters.

Impressive Talent

For more than half an hour every day, she enjoys the soft melodies of piano keys. We’re sure her piano playing is both beautiful to listen to and elegant to watch.

Meal Prep

Going into the evening, it’s cooking time! She cooks a simple but comforting dinner of miso soup, made with local ingredients.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

In the hours after dinner, she sorts through old letters. These decades-old letters serve as tangible reminders of the past.

It’s Tea Time!

Before the evening ends, tea time offers a break and a chance for her to unwind. She enjoys the comforting taste of decaffeinated Earl Grey and a platter of goodies.

What’s The Latest?

The evening comes to an end with watching YouTube videos on TV. So very relatable!

Turning Moments Into Memories

Last but not least, she journals as the day draws to a close. Journaling is a great practice to document the activities of each day and also reflect on what you’re grateful for. It can really put things into perspective if a particular day has been tough.

Watch her calming nightly routine in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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