Grandma Graduates From College 60 Years After She Started

This story serves as a reminder that although one’s goals may be delayed by personal circumstances, they may still be accomplished no matter how much time has gone if one is determined and has support.

Meet Angela

Angela Davidson is a loving mom and grandma to her beloved family, and she’s shown in the past how her family will always come first no matter what.

She Got Pregnant

Angela was one of just six women in a class of thirty-six students studying veterinary medicine at the University of Liverpool in the early 1960s. But when she found out she was pregnant in her fourth year and had to drop out of the program, her story took an unexpected turn.

Long-Awaited Day

After almost 60 years, in December 2023, Angela went back to the University of Liverpool to receive her well-earned BSc (Hons) in Animal Sciences.

Big Event

The graduation ceremony was a significant reminder of how times have changed. Currently, 80% of the students in a veterinary program consist of women and classes typically number 200 students.

Things Change

The university, which had previously been unable to support her academic endeavors because of her pregnancy, now stood in recognition of her accomplishments and efforts. This change reflects the general shift in society toward greater gender equality and support for women in striking a balance between their personal and professional lives.

Her Support System

The children and grandchildren of Angela attended the graduation ceremony with her. It served as evidence of the value of family and the impact of education between generations.

Chapter, Closed

Angela’s story is not only about her finally getting a degree, but it’s also about closing a chapter that had been left unfinished for decades. It emphasizes the importance of learning and the reality that it’s never too late to pursue one’s dreams.

It’s Never Too Late

Her graduation sends a strong message to non-traditional students and to those who have to postpone their education for other reasons. It serves as a motivation for students and a reminder that educational journeys can take many forms and timelines.

Watch how Angela finally got her degree after 60 years in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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