Sneaky Golden Retriever Hops Into Neighbor’s Property To Swim In Pool


Our pets’ little shenanigans make living with them so much fun and interesting. Minus the stress that their sneaky little antics cause us, everything about them just makes our lives so much brighter.

Meet Zeppole

Zeppole is an adorable Golden retriever who just REALLY loves the water with all his heart.

Started Young

He was just a puppy when he first got a taste of how fun it is to be in the water.

It Didn’t Stop

Since then, he’s always loved swimming in pools, and the nearest one is their neighbor’s.

So He Got Sneaky

Every morning, Zeppole would hop right over the fence and help himself to their neighbor’s pool. Thankfully, their neighbors are very good friends with Zeppole’s owner.

Come Back Home

His owner always had to follow him to the neighbor’s property and chastise him with love because it was not something his mom wanted him to get in the habit of doing.

Placing Obstacles

She’s tried removing the bins he was stepping on and placing obstacles in the way to block his entry, but he seemed to always find his way into their neighbor’s property.

A Proposal

Before the pool closed for the summer, Zeppole’s owner worked out a deal with the neighbors. It was an easy arrangement: Zeppole would get one more day of summer to spend as much time as he wanted in the pool, and they agreed!

Pool Party

Their neighbors, who also had a retriever, even set up a playdate with their dog, and the day went spectacularly. Zeppole was the world’s happiest dog. It was good to give him one final day with that pool before it closed for the summer because it meant the world to him.

Watch how much Zeppole loves swimming in the water in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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