It’s sad that there are cold-hearted people who are walking among us, hurting innocent animals.
Meet Landis
Pit Bull named Landis was formerly called “Gargoyle” because he was dwarfed and emaciated, his legs were folded in half, and his spine was curved.
His Sad Background
He became deformed because he was forced to grow up in a cage that was too small for him.
He Got Rescued
Landis got rescued by Second Chance Rescue NYC Dogs after they received a plea from a shelter.
His Frustrating Situation
The rescue group saved him in 2014 and wrote on their Facebook page about how they reacted upon first taking him. The post said, “How could anyone do this, how could this possibly have been allowed to happen?!”
His New Home
After a few weeks, the rescue group announced that Landis was getting adopted. They said, “He is going to Mass, near Cape Cod. He is minutes from the beach (sand will be great for his legs), has a large fenced-in backyard.”
Getting Back On His Feet
Landis will also immediately start going to hydrotherapy in a clinic that’s 5 minutes from his new home.
A New Life
Landis has been making great progress each day. He’s getting the hang of potty training in just one day and loves sitting in his owner’s lap and chewing on toys.
All The Way Up
After 3 months with his new family, Landis is walking “all the way up” on his paws and his limbs are getting stronger every day with exercise and therapy.
We are grateful that there are kind-hearted, compassionate people in the world to help save dogs like Landis from such a terrible past.