Lost Dog Gets Rescued From Frozen Mountain By Hiking Couple

YouTube, The Dodo

Like humans, animals have feelings too. When they’re lost, and they cannot see their fur parent, they also get afraid and anxious.

Hiking Day


The Goetelen family went for a hike with their two dogs, a 3-year-old German Shepherd named Harley and an 8-year-old Golden Retriever named Naoise, in the Wicklow mountains one Saturday morning.

Missing Dogs


Unfortunately, the two dogs went missing. While they found Harley in a parking lot the day after, Naoise was still nowhere to be found.

Dangerous Mountain


The family was already getting anxious because the Wicklow Mountains comprise a vast anticline with granite exposed at the center, and slates and sandstones surrounding it. To make it even more dangerous, during the winter they’re covered with ice.

A Couple Of Doctors

YouTube, The Dodo

One day, two doctors named Jean-Francois Bonnet and Ciara Nolan were hiking on the same mountain when they saw something by a rock.

They Found Naoise

YouTube, The Dodo

Jean and Ciara were about to reach the peak of the mountain when they saw the weak and cold folder retriever who wasn’t able to walk or bark anymore.

First Aid


The hiking doctors wrapped Naoise with clothes, used their medicinal skills to keep her safe, and gave her a snack before using a scarf to hang Naoise to Jean’s backpack.

6-Mile Trek

YouTube, The Dodo

Jean and Ciara continued their journey while carrying Naoise for four to five hours down the mountain.

She’s Home

YouTube, The Dodo

The couple brought Naoise to their house, gave her food, and kept her warm before contacting the local animal rescue group, which tracked down the Goetelen family to bring the good news.

Watch how Jean and Ciara became Naoise’s heroes in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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