Friendly Firefighters Help Mom Fill Her Children’s Pool

Mandie Inman

The most genuine people are those who go out of their way to help someone who needs it.

A Birthday Party


A mom from Charlotte, North Carolina bought her son a kiddie pool for his birthday.

Hot Summer Day


The temperature was quite high during that day so swimming was indeed the best birthday activity.

But There’s One Problem


The mom didn’t have a hose, so the only way she could fill the kiddie pool up was with pots. She would go in fill up a pot then bring it out, dump it in the pool, and repeat the process several times.

A Firetruck Drove By


She was hastily trying to fill up the pool when a fire truck drove by and the firefighters saw what she was trying to do.

They Felt Bad

Facebook, Charlotte Fire Station 18 (The Wild Wild West)

The firefighters knew it would take her forever to fill the pool up that way, and they saw that the kids were getting impatient so they decided to help.

An Easy Way

Facebook, Charlotte Fire Station 18 (The Wild Wild West)

The friendly firefighters grabbed the hose from their fire truck and used it to fill up the kiddie pool.

The Pool Party Starts

Facebook, Charlotte Fire Station 18 (The Wild Wild West)

You could see the joy and excitement on the kids’ faces about the pool. The mom was relieved and really grateful that her son’s birthday party was going to be how it was planned.

Officials Were Proud


Charlotte Fire Station 18 posted about their firemen’s helpful act. Their post said, “What was just a simple task for us turned into laughter, smiles, and a lifelong memory for the neighborhood kids as well as the men on Engine 18. Proud to serve the WESTSIDE!”

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