Loving Foster Parents Adopt Baby Surrendered At The Fire Station

The couple’s story and the fire department’s contribution to the security and welfare of babies turned in are examples of how kindness and community can transform people’s lives.

Meet The Tylers

Chris and Brittany Tyler are a couple who had faced their own struggles with conceiving so they decided to open their home to children in need of a family.

Foster Parents

The couple had already opened their hearts and home to 15 foster kids and adopted two of those children, Judah and Calvin.

Safe Haven Baby

One day, they heard about a Safe Haven baby who was just surrendered to a Louisville fire station.

Baby Sam

Sam, a tiny, three-pound baby, was left by his mother his mother, who left a note with him, at the fire station because she knew she wouldn’t be able to provide a better life for him.

A Personal Connection

Brittany said she felt a deep, personal connection with Sam and hoped that they would be chosen to be his foster parents. She said “So I read an article that had been posted online about him, and I knew that Safe Haven babies went to foster homes. And so I prayed and hoped that we would be the home chosen.”

Life-Changing Call

When Chris and Brittany received a call, informing them that Sam would be joining their family, they were filled with joy. Chris said, “They told us about him, and it took no thought. ‘Yes, we’ll absolutely take him’.”

Part Of The Family

Sam had been in the foster care system for 581 days until he was officially adopted by the Tylers on December 18, 2023.

A Tribute To His Heroes

Chris and Brittany took Sam to Build-A-Bear to commemorate the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, and they made a firefighter bear as a tribute to the courageous first responders who had looked after Sam during his early years.

Watch how Sam became an official part of Chris and Brittany’s happy family in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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