Men Of The Family Step In After Flower Girl Falls Asleep Before Walking Down The Aisle

Weddings can be as simple as possible but many people choose to invest a lot in a wedding celebration to make it even more special and memorable.

Meet Charlotte

Charlotte Rose was already dolled up for her “flower girl” role in one of her family members’ wedding but things didn’t go as planned.

Sleeping Tightly

Right before the wedding ceremony started, Charlotte fell asleep, completely oblivious to all of the people who were anticipating seeing her walk down the aisle while scattering the flowers for the bride.

No Time Left

With the music already playing, the men in her family gathered up as they thought of a great idea to save the day.

The Flower Men

With Charlotte nestled comfortably on her cousin’s shoulder, the three men put on their sunglasses, formed a makeshift entourage, a “security team” as they called it, and got ready to walk down the aisle as the little girl’s substitute.

They Loved It

According to everyone who witnessed it, it was a perfect blend of humor and adorableness. They definitely saved the day and made it even more memorable.

The Show Must Go On

Briana Imbriano, Charlotte’s mom, was one of those who were delighted to see how the “security team” took on Charlotte’s role at the last minute. She said. “We were all hysterical. It was the funniest thing ever. It was the perfect combination of funny and cute.”

Ready To Go

The wedding ceremony went on as planned. It was all perfect. The bride and groom exchanged their vows and as soon as the ceremony concluded, Charlotte woke up from her sleep.

Time To Party

Just as the formalities came to a close, the little girl awoke from her sleep and was now eager to join in the celebrations.

Watch how these three guys saved a wedding day in a fun way in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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