Stranger Offers First Class Seat To Mom With Sick Child

YouTube, Inside Edition

It’s nice when there are little ways to help others out of the kindness of one’s heart.

Boarding Hassle


Flying from one place to another is quite stressful from getting through customs to boarding on the plane, especially for a mother with a baby.

Meet Kelsey

YouTube, Inside Edition

Kelsey Zwick was about to fly from Orlando, Florida to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with American Airlines with her 11-month-old daughter.

Her Daughter’s Condition

YouTube, Inside Edition

Their travel was more difficult than usual because Kelsey was traveling with a big diaper bag and an oxygen machine for her daughter who was born prematurely.

But Someone Helped Them


After Kelsey had settled into her seat in economy, a flight attendant approached her and said that there was a male passenger in first class who wondered if she and her daughter might be more comfortable in the front of the plane.

A Smooth Travel


The two switched seats and the rest of the flight went through without incident – thanks to the generosity and kindness of the mystery man.

She Wanted To Thank Him


When the plane landed, Kelsey wanted to find the kind stranger who helped her and tried waiting for him at the gate but they missed each other while they were de-boarding the plane.

Finding Him


Kelsey decided to post a long message on Facebook about what happened on the plane so she could easily find the good samaritan through social media.

His Name Is Jason

YouTube, Inside Edition

As a result of the media attention, the airline finally connected Kelsey to one Jason Kunselman who was then interviewed by Inside Edition. He said, “She said thank you and said, ‘I know I didn’t get to thank you in a proper way,’ and that we need more kindness like I showed to her in the world.”

Watch how a random act of kindness made a big difference in Kelsey and her daughter’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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