Correctional Officer Gets Fired After Deciding To Take Care Of Inmate’s Newborn Baby

Her decision to show compassion cost her her job, but it also allowed her to begin a deeply fulfilling new chapter in her life.

Meet Roberta

Roberta Bell is a 58-year-old former former correctional officer at the Louisiana Transitional Center for Women.

A New Friend

Things took a turn when she met Katie Boua, a pregnant inmate at the Louisiana prison.

Her Promise

Katie needed someone to take care of her baby while she was waiting for the end of her sentence, and Roberta decided to step in to help.

She Got Fired

Because of a conflict of interest, Roberta faced job termination, but she stood firm in her resolve.

Meet KAS

After a few weeks, Katie gave birth to a son named KAS, and the immediate bond and joy Roberta felt upon meeting her baby meant so much more than the job she lost.

A Grandma To Nine Kids

Roberta, who was already taking care of five of her eight grandchildren, did the best job in taking care of KAS while waiting for Katie’s sentence to end.

People Supported Her

Those who had heard about Roberta’s selfless gesture united to provide for the baby, and the former officer decided to extend this act of generosity to other people as well by planning to house and support six women under a project she calls the Serenity House.

Big Changes

After she’s fulfilled her promise to Katie, Roberta is now in pursuit of guiding other women towards better futures through the Serenity House.

Watch Roberta’s inspiring story in the video below.

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