94-Year-Old Fan Gets Emotional When Her Favorite Band Visits Her

Music makes our lives happier, and even healthier at times.

The Power Of Music

Believe it or not, music has the power to heal as it evokes emotions and memories in a person.

Meet Franca

Franca is a 94-year-old woman whose love for music helps her gain strength with each passing day of her life.

Grandma’s Love

She has a grandson named Michele Capasso who’s the drummer of the band called Cosimo and the Hot Coals.

Italian Band

Cosimo and the Hot Coals is a Milan-based Hot Jazz band that performs at jazz clubs, swing dance events, and festivals all over the world.

And They’re Here For Franca

Franca, being her grandson and the band’s biggest fan, got VIP treatment from them when they performed in her own home.

Priceless Reaction

As if she was seeing the band for the first time, Franca became emotional when she saw her grandson along with his friends – with their instruments set up in her bedroom.

Fun Times

The band started playing and singing and Franca was just there, having the time of her life, jamming with her favorite band, and we can also see that the musicians were having a great time performing for her as well.

She’s Grateful

At the end of the performance, Franca was out of words. She couldn’t explain her feelings. She said, “I am speechless! There are no words. You are amazing. You are too good. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mean it.”

Watch Cosimo and the Hot Coals’ live performance all for Franca in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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