Famous Owl Hangs Out On Playwright’s Apartment Windowsill

This story serves as a reminder that wildlife and the city can coexist in a beautiful way.

Meet Flaco

Flaco is a 13-year-old Eurasian Eagle-Owl who lives in the Central Park Zoo.

He Escaped

Flaco escaped when some vandals cut open his cage in February, and he’s been missing for nine months since then.

All By Himself

For those nine months, he survived the harsh winter in the city, providing for himself and displaying an incredible determination to live under the most trying conditions.

Where Is He?

Nobody knew for a while where he was until he made an appearance in the East Village earlier this month.

Meet Nan And Jan

Flaco landed on the windowsill of Nan Knighton, a playwright, and her husband, John, a Broadway producer, who had a view of Central Park.

Strange Visitor

Nan was surprised and in awe of the majestic creature right outside her window. She described Flaco as “gorgeous” and “beautiful”.

City Meets Nature

There is more to the mystery behind Flaco’s story than just idle curiosity. It reveals a deeper meaning and connection in the coexistence of nature and urban life.

He Can Handle It

Flaco’s survival and adaptation in New York City provides insight into the ways in which animals can navigate and adapt in places where mostly humans live.

Watch Nan’s story of how Flaco paid her a visit in her 13th-floor apartment window on Manhattan’s glamorous Fifth Avenue in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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