Eyeless Puppy Finds Forever Loving Best Friend

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Lacking something does not necessarily mean you are broken. Sometimes, it gives you more room for more love and affection.

Meet Puddin

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Puddin is a special dog from Texas who was rescued by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Texas (SPCA).

She Was Neglected


The poor dog was neglected by her owners as a puppy to the point where an eye infection took her eyesight.

She Got Adopted

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Despite her disability, Puddin was seen as perfect by 22-year-old Cory Gonzales, who fell in love with her ears and decided to adopt her immediately the day after meeting her.

She’s Adjusting


Puddin is loving and affectionate and can always be found sniffing around the house because she now relies on her sense of smell to compensate for her lack of eyesight.

Her Favorite Activity

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

The lovable dog loves to play fetch with balls and bells. Cory said, “She has really learned how to use her sense of smell to run, play, (and) find her toys. Even stop herself from hitting things. It’s really amazing to watch.”

Her Key Phrase

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Cory also taught Pudding the phrase “watch out” so she knows when she is about to run into something.

Her Best Friends

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Puddin has even made two BFFs named Murphy, who’s the first dog she’s ever met, and Juniper, who’s become her go-to doggy friend after Murphy passed away.

She’s A New Pup

YouTube, Cuddle Buddies

Cory says that Puddin’s life has greatly changed, and she is now a very happy doggo. He said, “She is 5 months old now, and how she has adapted to her new life is incredible.”

Watch Puddin’s happy life with friends and her owner, Cory, in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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