2-Day-Old Baby Horse Is Excited To Reunite With Her Mama And Play 

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This foal is just that excited to be with her mama horse again.

No Better Place Than Home


Although horses are meant to run freely on grasslands, there are also special places for them where they can be safe and be taken care of.

The Rainbow Meadows

Facebook, Rainbow Meadows Equine Rescue

The Rainbow Meadows Equine Rescue, according to their Facebook page, is a “safe haven for horses in need” where they provide rescued horses with homes on grasslands they can run freely on.

Miss Tehya’s Life In The Meadows

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Miss Tehya is a two-day-old foal,  born in the Rainbow Meadows and taken raised by her care-taker.

A Stormy Yesterday


Miss Tehya wasn’t able to see her mama the day after her birth because it was stormy, but today’s her lucky day because she gets to be reunited with her mama in a short while.

Jumping For Joy

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When she sets foot outside her barn, she just can’t stop jumping and hopping in excitement as she makes her way to mama horse.

Mama’s Got Her Eyes On Her Baby

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As she waits for her Miss Tahya to be set free, mama horse can’t keep her eyes off of her young one.

They Finally Get To Play Together

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By the time they are both free, mama horse takes Miss Tahya for a trot along the field.

A Heart-Melting Reunion

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People can’t help but shed tears of joy for the baby and mama horse who just found their way back to each other.

Watch this baby horse’s journey to her mama on the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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