Rescued Elephant Puts On Prosthetic Leg For The First Time

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Animals deserve to live comfortably too, and we, humans, are responsible for providing a safe and livable world for them.

Huge Mammals


Being the largest land animal, we can also say that elephants have huge hearts, which means they are also capable of having emotions.

Their Misfortune


Sadly, some elephants are not able to find a safe environment to live in as some of them are being hunted for their tusks, while some of them are being used as a form of entertainment.

Meet Medo

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Medo is a rescued elephant who was captured and forced into being a breeding elephant, causing a serious negative effect on her body, injuring one of her back legs.

Elephant Nature Park


She was taken to the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, a sanctuary where around a dozen Asian and African elephants have formed a makeshift family.

She’s In Pain

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Her caretakers noticed how much pain she was in so they teamed up with Gentle Giants Elephants to make a custom prosthesis for her.

Treating Her Leg

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The prosthetic leg was meant to help keep Medo’s ankle straight to give her comfort, and improve her posture and ability to walk around.

Her New Leg

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The caretakers and volunteers from Gentle Giants Elephants teamed up to put on Medo’s prosthetic leg. When she realized that the team was trying to help her, she stood still as they put the prosthesis on her.

Getting Used To It

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After all the buckles had been properly tightened, the volunteers stepped back as Medo kept her back leg up in the air and it a few shakes before continuing about her day, now with her brand new leg.

Watch Medo’s reaction to trying on her new leg in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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