Baby Elephant Thanks Woman Who Rescued Him From Being Stuck In The Mud

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We, humans, are not the only ones living here on Earth. The animals and other living things also deserve a home, food, and some care.

Intelligent Creatures


Aside from being the world’s largest animal, elephants are also one of the friendliest and most intelligent ones. They communicate with each other through vibrations that they detect through their bones.

They Love Being Together


These gentle giants form strong bonds with their family members and friends, and we’re not only talking about their co-elephants but they also have a loving attachment with humans.

Ecological Problems


Sadly, many of us do not understand how important it is to protect wildlife. Some human activities like deforestation, illegal fishing, and illegal wildlife trade put their shelters and lives at risk.

A Local Hero

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Good thing, there are still some of us who have soft hearts for wild animals – like this woman from Thailand who rescued a baby elephant stuck in the mud.

Meet Suphasa


A baby elephant named Suphasa wandered away from a local sanctuary one day and unfortunately got his feet stuck in the mud by the side of the road.

She Didn’t Hesitate

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When the woman saw him, she immediately approached the baby elephant to see how she could help him and started showing him how to lift his one leg.

It Was A Hard Work

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The woman then began gently pushing against Suphasa’s trunk then helped guide him out of the mud using her hands. Suphasa struggled a bit to get out of his situation but when he was finally free, he was clearly relieved.

Grateful Elephant

Animal Channel

When he was finally able to walk, Suphasa was overjoyed and even extended his trunk to show appreciation for what the kind human did.

Watch how a random stranger saved a baby elephant from his demise in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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