Tragically Orphaned Baby Elephant Gets Adopted By A New Herd

Dok Geaw, a baby elephant in Northern Thailand, lost his entire herd. Fortunately, the lost baby was rescued. When he was introduced to a new herd, they embraced him warmly. Watch the video below to see the result!

Tragedy Struck

Dok Geaw lost his family to ivory hunters. Because he had no tusks, he was left alive.

He Was Lost And Scared

Though he survived, the poor elephant was left alone, lost and scared in the jungle.

He Was Rescued

Fortunately, he was spotted by people who contacted an elephant sanctuary.

Which Only Heightened His Fear

The baby had never encountered humans before. When the rescuers arrived and captured him, Dok Geaw was more frightened than ever.

He Was Brought To A Sanctuary

Where he found himself surrounded by other elephants.

Elephants Are Incredibly Caring

It is well documented that elephants are compassionate creatures.

The Elephants Greeted Him Warmly

When introduced, the rest of the elephants in the sanctuary began to trumpet loudly. Then, they ran towards him and embraced him as part of the herd.

The Baby Was Safe And Happy

As he was welcomed into a new herd, Dok Geaw became visibly calmer. He was accepted into the herd and became part of the community.


This tragic story has a happy ending. This is another reminder of the warmth of elephants – another example of the gentle giant. We could all learn something from these wonderful creatures.

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