Elephant Comes To Caretaker’s Rescue When She Sees Him Being “Attacked”

Rumble, ViralHog

Humans aren’t the only smart mammals after all.

A Large Land Animal


Elephants, like their huge bodies, also have big hearts.

They’re Smart Too


Because they have three times more neurons than humans, elephants have outstanding mental capabilities.

An Experiment

Rumble, ViralHog

A caretaker in a nature park in Chian Mai, Thailand decided to conduct an experiment with his friend to see if one of the elephants he’s taking care of will save him from distress.

It Involved Some Acting

Rumble, ViralHog

The caretaker’s friend acted as if he was attacking the man, and they watched what the elephant’s reaction would be.

Thonsri, The Elephant

Rumble, ViralHog

Upon seeing her friend in distress, 17-year-old Thonsri rushed to the caretaker to rescue him.

Making Sure He’s Okay

Rumble, ViralHog

Thonsri didn’t leave the caretaker’s side until she was sure that he was safe and okay. What a great friendship that they have!

Capable Of Affection


This story is just proof of how animals are capable of having emotions and being dependable in times of trouble.

Saying No To Ivory Trade


In reality, around 90% of African elephants have been killed in the past century, mostly for ivory. This horrible fate that we’re drawing upon the mammals is unacceptable and needs to stop.

Watch how the 17-year-old elephant came to her caretaker’s rescue in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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