Elderly Duo Light Up The Crowd With Hip Hop Dance Routine

Who said dancing had an age limit? Newsflash: it doesn’t.

This Duo Loves to Dance

Who can blame them?

Their Choice of Dance is a Bit Surprising

Many are perplexed to see them bust out hip hop dance moves.

Like Dance, Hip Hop Has No Age Limit

While it may not be a popular genre for older populations, these two men prove anyone can enjoy hip hop.

They Know How to Bust Some Moves

We could learn a thing or two from them!

They Might Be New to Hip Hop Dance, But They’re Pretty Synchronized

Staying in sync is one of the hardest parts of learning a new dance.

The Man in the Green Jacket Gets More Comfortable at the End

At first, the man in the green jacket seemed a bit shy and hesitant, but as the video progresses, he gets more and more into the dance.

In the End, They’re a Great Duo

It may have taken a bit of warming up for them. Although, they’re the perfect dance partners.

Hopefully, They’ll Keep Dancing

With how much fun they appear to be having, they should consider taking dancing up as a permanent hobby.

Kudos to These Two for Breaking a Common Generalization

It’s clear that hip hop is for anyone of any age.

And they do a great job at making that loud and clear!


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