Man Uses “Drumboxing” To Cope With Parkinson’s Disease

We all have different ways of dealing with life’s challenges, and this man chose a fun and effective way to face his personal obstacle.

Meet Jonathan

Jonathan Cole is a resilient man who has been battling Parkinson’s disease for over a decade, and he’s quite determined to fight back.

Not Just An Exercise

He decided to engage in a vigorous workout that combines drumming and boxing moves called “drumboxing”.

Meet John

John Wakefield is a talented percussionist who worked for 14 years to develop a training program for professional boxers to help improve their flexibility, agility, and attentiveness.

What Is Drumboxing?

Drumboxing is a unique workout that uses rhythm, patterns, and music to engage the brain while a person moves his body.

Helpful Group Class

Jonathan joined John’s drumboxing group class and has found it very helpful so far as he noticed that his tremors have diminished during drumboxing sessions.

How It Works

John explained how drumboxing helps a person physically. He said, “The connection with rhythm, tying it in with motor skills, really training the brain like you train the body putting it in a situation where it has to react.”

His Encouragement

Jonathan feels very positive about drumboxing’s benefits and help and he encourages other people to try it as well. He said, “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. You come in here and do what you can do and as you do it you will get better.”

Just Keep Fighting

Instead of sulking and letting the disease eat him up, Jonathan chooses to fight and do something about it while living his life. He said, “It’s not much you can do about it. Other than fight it and if you fight and you quit, then you are not gonna make it.”

Watch how drumboxing has helped Jonathan in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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