Rehab Center Frees Dolphins Held Hostage And Puts Them In A Forever Sanctuary


I’ll never understand how someone can bring themselves to harm an animal. The Bali Dolphin Sanctuary, fortunately, has the mission and resources to help abused animals, specifically, dolphins.

A Year Ago, the Bali Dolphin Sanctuary Learned About Three Captive Dolphins

The three dolphins were being kept in a small, shallow, chemical-filled pool at the Melka Hotel in Bali, Indonesia. Not only were the dolphins forced to live in dangerous living conditions, but they were forced to entertain in front of groups of humans on a regular basis.

The Non-Profit Recently Rescued the Trio of Dolphins And Now Have Them as Residents

The Bali Dolphin Sanctuary took in the dolphins, whose names are Rocky, Rambo, and Johnny, as permanent residents. They now live happier, healthier lives in a suitable environment and are no longer being used for entertainment purposes.

Other Dolphins Can Also Benefit from Staying at the Center

Apart from abused dolphins like the previous trio, the sanctuary also nurses sick or injured dolphins back to health until they’re able to heal and get back to the wild. In addition, the non-profit also serves as a place of retirement for dolphins who can’t safely be re-released back into the wild.

The Bali Dolphin Sanctuary is the First Permanent Dolphin Sanctuary in the World

It’s also the first dolphin retirement center in the entire country of Indonesia.

Non-Profit Organization, the Dolphin Project, Runs the Sanctuary

While the sanctuary is in Bali, US-based non-profit, the Dolphin Project, is responsible for running it. And thanks to the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) in Bali, the Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), and the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the sanctuary was even built at all.

It Will Act as a Prototype to Test the Effectiveness of Long-Term Dolphin Refuges

As the first-ever permanent sanctuary for dolphins, those associated with the non-profit hope it will be a success and serve as a model for future permanent sanctuaries that may come about in the future.

But Why is it Important? Well, Dolphins Held in Captivity Are Under More Stress Than Any Other Animal at the Zoo

Although many animals help captive in zoos have shown signs of suffering both mentally and physically, dolphins tend to suffer the most.

When Captive, Dolphins Turn Off Their Sonar

“Often they switch off the sonar when they are kept in captivity, so that’s one of the main tasks of the team here to prepare them for their life in the wild,” said Femke Den Haas, who runs the sanctuary.

Saving More Dolphins: The Dolphin Project Founder, Ric O’Barry, Wants to Duplicate the Sanctuary in Italy and Crete

Hopefully one day soon, the sanctuary will also be available in other regions around the world.


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