Rescue Dog With A Beautiful Smile Finds Forever Home

Facebook, No Dog Left Behind - Minnesota Canine Rescue

Life has its ups and downs. There may be times when we find it hard to smile and be positive but there’s always a brand new day full of opportunities and reasons to be happy that awaits us.

Meet Smile

Smile is a pint-sized rescue dog who can be considered the epitome of resilience and positivity.

Her Story

Smile was born amidst the chaos of a hoarding situation in Tijuana, Mexico and her hardships were only just beginning. She was one of 24 dogs rescued by the At-Choo Foundation in California. All of them suffered from a painful skin ailment at the time. Thankfully, Smile’s wasn’t quite as bad as the others’.

Rescuing Smile

Another rescue organization in Minnesota called No Dog Left Behind (NDLB) noticed Smile’s unique personality and decided to take her in. Stephanie Easley, the operations manager at NDLB, said, “She made the intake team fall madly in love.”

A New Home

Another rescue organization called Mutt Mutt Engine helped transfer Smile from California to Minnesota. At first, Smile was hesitant and frightened by the new environment, but, according to Stephanie, “once she was out of the van and not in a position of feeling backed into a corner, she was much better.”

The rescue team adored Smile’s resilience and enthusiasm. They showered her with so much love and care as she continued to recover from her skin condition.

Temporary Mom

Stephanie volunteered to be her foster mom, and they had a great time together. She said, “The genuine love in her eyes is what makes her the most special dog I’ve ever met. They’re expressive… you know exactly what she’s thinking or feeling just by looking at them.” However, she knew Smile needed to have a new family.

Eventually, when she’d fully recovered, Smile was put up for adoption and a lot of families were eager to have her. Now, she’s living her best life in a loving forever home with her new family.

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