Deaf Dog Understands His Deaf Owner Through Sign Language

Our love for someone is not only expressed through words. We all have different ways of expressing and receiving affection, and the same goes for dogs.

Meet Karlie

Karlie was born deaf, but this did not hinder her from living a happy and great life with the family she built with her husband.

A Dream

She was in elementary when she learned about deaf therapy dogs. Since then, she’s always dreamt of getting one for herself – a dog who’s also deaf like her.

Meet Rhett

In 2018, Karlie and her husband drove to South Texas where they met Rhett, a deaf dog, who immediately stole her heart right after his kennel door was opened.

A Wonderful Bond

Rhett became attached to Karlie. He would always follow her around and spend a lot of time with her inside and outside their home.

How They Communicate

Karlie did not have a hard time teaching Rhett sign language. He now knows over 30 signs, and according to Karlie, it was almost just like teaching a dog voice commands.

The Baby’s Here

One of the signs Rhett has learned was when Karlie points to her pregnant tummy, he knows she’s referring to the baby inside it, and when her daughter was finally born, Rhett knew she was the one his owner was pointing at in her tummy before.

He Needs Company

Now that Karlie has been busy with the baby, plus she also has to go to work, Rhett has been showing signs of separation anxiety by barking and drooling and being uneasy when she’s gone, so they figured it was time for him to have a companion.

Meet Maggie May

Karlie and her husband adopted another dog and named her Maggie May. She became Rhett’s best friend and he became happier when she entered their lives.

Watch how Rhett brought so much joy into Karlie’s family in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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