Lonely Dog Visits Former Owner’s Grave Every Day

Facebook, Sara Sechi

A dog’s loyalty is immeasurable. The love that they have for their owners is something so special.

Trustworthy Friend


Having a dog means having someone you can rely on when you’re lonely and also someone to celebrate with during your wins. They are the best kind of friends we can ever have.

Best Buddies

Facebook, Sara Sechi

A man named Leonardo who lived in the countryside has a little brown dog named Fulmine who loves him so much.

Tough Times

Facebook, Sara Sechi

Leonardo got sick so his family took care of Fulmine, and his daughter, Sara Sechi, saw how attached the dog was to her dad.

He’s Gone


When Leonardo passed away, Fulmine was still hopeful that he would come home. Sara said, “Every time a car approached, Fulmine would run to the gate in case it was my father.”

Searching For Him


Fulmine never stopped looking for his owner. Eventually, after endless searching, he was able to find his grave.

Visiting Day

Facebook, Sara Sechi

The day after Leonardo had passed away, Sara and her son went to the cemetery to lay some flowers by his tomb, and they were surprised to see Fulmine sitting there by his former owner’s grave.

A Long Journey

Facebook, Sara Sechi

As it turns out, the lonely dog walked two miles from his home in the countryside to the cemetery, and no one has any clue how he found Leonardo’s grave.

New Family

Facebook, Sara Sechi

Sara has now taken on Fulmine as her own, and together, they can reminisce and relive Leonardo’s life and memories and make new ones in the days to come.

Source: Ron Project

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