Stray Dog Found In Dollar General Finds Forever Home

This is the beginning of a touching story of friendship that developed in the most unlikely of places.

Shopping Day

A man named Ray was at a Dollar General running errands when he came across a sweet little dog.

No Owner

The cheerful dog seemed to not have any owner around. She was just there, running around, greeting people at the store. Ray said, “She was popping around the corner smiling and wiggling and like jumping on everybody all happy.”

Let’s Go Home

He contacted animal control to help the dog but they wouldn’t be able to respond until the next day so he opened his home to her.

Netflix And Chill

That night, the two of them had impromptu meals and watched dog-friendly Netflix shows together. The sweet dog cuddled up to Ray, seeking warmth and comfort, and it was the best feeling ever.

I’m Home

Ray was moved by the dog’s sweet gesture. He said, “When she crawled up on my shoulder and she just let out a sigh like that’s it, I’m done, I’m tired, I’m home. I looked at her and I was like, oh that’s it, you’re mine.”

Goodbye For Now

Sadly, the next day, the dog had to go through the shelter system before any adoption could be official, but Ray made a promise to himself and her that he would always visit her at the shelter.

And He Did

The shelter struggled to find space and time for the dog but Ray visited her regularly and saw the impact of shelter life on her.

Together Forever

Their bond grew deeper with every visit, and the day finally came when Ray could finally bring her home with him.

Dolly And Ray

The dog, now named Dolly, lives an awesome life with her owner, Ray. They’re inseparable. They often come back to the Dollar General where their story began, and the staff are all happy to see how their story ended.

Watch how Dolly became a significant part of Ray’s life in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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