Quick-Thinking Man Rescues Dog Hanging From Elevator

YouTube, Inside Edition

We often treat our dogs like our own babies, and like these little babies, dogs also need supervision especially when we’re outside with them.

Elevator Anxiety


Some people are afraid of riding the elevator because of claustrophobia, or the fear of confined places. However, this is not the only incident that can happen in elevators.

He Got His Packages


A man carrying a lot of packages was seen entering the elevator with his dog strolling behind him.

He Didn’t Notice


Because of being occupied with carrying his packages, he didn’t notice that his dog didn’t quite make it in the elevator before its doors closed.

He Got Left Behind

YouTube, Inside Edition

The poor dog got left behind, and what’s worse was his leash got caught in the elevator doors so he was left hanging there.

A Random Neighbor

YouTube, Inside Edition

Fortunately, a man named Fernando Santos who also lives in the same apartment building came and pushed the elevator button.

He Got His Mail


He had just gone down to the mailroom to check his mail. In fact, when the dog’s owner was about to go inside the elevator, it was Fernando who held the door open when he saw that the owner’s arms were full.

He’s Busy


At first, Fernando wasn’t looking up at the elevator after pushing the button as he was looking down at his phone, scrolling, while he waited for the doors to open.

He Saw Him

YouTube, Inside Edition

When he finally looked up, Fernando jumped back in surprise. Without any hesitation, he quickly grabbed the dog and unhooked him from his harness.

Things Were Okay


Thanks to Fernando’s quick response, the dog was fine. Also, it’s fortunate that the pooch was wearing a body harness because who knows what would have happened if he was wearing a neck collar while hanging from that elevator door.

Watch how Fernando saved the little dog who was hanging from an elevator in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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