Adopted Doberman Saves Baby’s Life From Snake

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We’ll be surprised to find out that animals also pay back a debt of gratitude through heroic acts.

Meet Khan

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Khan is a troubled Doberman who had been rescued from an abusive home by Kerry Kinder of the Doberinling Boarding Kennels.

Finding A New Home


Despite the dog’s physical condition and the possible emotional damage he might have, Catherine Svilicic still decided to take him home as a companion for her child, Charlotte.

Instant Pals

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Khan immediately fell in love with the adorable 17-month-old, and the two have already formed a great bond.

Sudden Change In Khan’s Mood


Their lives changed when one day. While the two were playing in the backyard, Catherine noticed Khan’s mood suddenly become aggressive and she feared for her daughter’s safety when the dog tossed her across the yard.

A Greater Danger

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When Catherine looked at the grass, she found out the reason why the dog did that – a king brown snake, one of the most venomous critters in Australia, was about to hurt Charlotte but Khan got in the way.

Laying Down His Life


Instead of Charlotte, it was Khan who got bitten by the snake. Upon knowing, Catherine immediately sent the dying dog to the vet, and luckily, Khan survived and is now seen as the family’s hero.

Her Best Decision

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Catherine is convinced that adopting Khan despite his past is one of the best decisions she’s ever made, and their family will forever be in debt with the dog for saving their little one’s life.

Best Friends Forever


The incident made Charlotte and Khan even closer, and they spend the next years loving and protecting one another.

Watch Khan’s story of the heroic rescue in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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