Bride Who Got Ditched By Her Groom Pushes Through With The Wedding

YouTube, The Independent

Weddings are supposed to be full of love, fun, and celebration, but this bride almost had the worst and saddest day of her life if she didn’t rise above the grief.

A Serious Relationship


27-year-old Kayley Stead and 24-year-old Kallum Norton had been together since 2018, and last December 2020, Kallum finally asked his partner to marry him.

They Were Excited


The couple had months of preparations and Kayley spent her life savings for their wedding which was taking place on September 15, 2022.

Kallum Ran Away


One of Kayley’s bridesmaids hid her phone when they found out from one groomsman that Kallum had already run away, and when Kayley saw her phone, there was a missed call from her groom’s mother so she called her and learned about everything.

Life Goes On


Kayley painfully told her hairdresser, videographer, and parents that the wedding was off, but her videographer tried to cheer her up and told her to just carry on because she had already spent all her money, so why not just enjoy the day?

Beautiful Bride


The photographer asked Kayley to have a picture in the garden and instead of a newlywed’s photo, they took a photo of her in her beautiful wedding dress.

They Celebrated

YouTube, The Independent

Kayley’s groomsmen and bridesmaids joined her as she walked in the entrance. They sang and danced along to Lizzo’s “Good as H**l”.

Strong Kayley

YouTube, The Independent

The guests were gloomy at first as they felt the pain of the betrayal, but Kayley’s positive attitude encouraged everyone to enjoy and celebrate the day with her.

Moving On


Kayley is now living her life as a happy single lady and her best friend and maid of honor, Jordie Cullen, initiated a GoFundMe for her to recover the money that was lost, which was about $13,000.

Watch how Kayley proceeded with the wedding celebration in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Shareably

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