18-Year-Old Dishwasher Buys The Restaurant She’s Working At

With pure hard work and smart decision-making, this young girl has become a business owner.

Meet Samantha

Samantha Frye is a resilient 18-year-old who worked her way up from being a dishwasher to a business owner.

How She Started

She started working at a very young age at a local restaurant called Rosalie’s to support herself and her family. She said, “I started working when I was 14, and then when I was 16, I got two jobs, one of them being here (as a dishwasher).”

Hardworking Woman

With a goal in mind to enroll in environmental engineering studies at Ohio State University, Samantha worked really hard to save up. “I eventually had three jobs at one point. And then I worked with my dad. So, basically, I just worked a lot,” she said.

Her Plans Changed

Her future plans all changed when she heard that Rosalie’s was on the market, and despite her mom’s disapproval, Samantha made the tough call to buy the restaurant using her college fund.

A Great Decision

Her mom, Brandi Beitzel, admitted that she was reluctant at first about her daughter’s decision, but eventually, she saw that maybe it was the right call for her. She said, “I was not on board with her leaving OSU and taking on such a huge responsibility at her age. But over time, I warmed up to it and realized that it might not have been the path I envisioned her on but it’s the path she wanted to take.”

Going Green

Despite her decision of putting her college degree on hold, she is still determined to work on her passion for the environment by making her restaurant more sustainable. She said, “I want to start doing compost eventually, so we’re not wasting as much food.”

Rosalie’s Works

Although Samantha has been implementing some changes around her restaurant, she said she doesn’t plan on changing its name anytime soon. “It’s working. Why change it?” she said.

Fruit Of Her Labor

Brandi is now a proud mom for all the achievements her daughter has made. She said, “Sam just has me in awe! I think back to when I was her age and there is no way I would have had the knowledge or the courage, or even be able to wrap my mind around the enormity of owning a restaurant.”

Watch how Samantha became a business owner at the age of 18 in the video below.

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