Daughter With Down Syndrome Graduates From College And Makes Dad Proud

Instagram, handlinrachel; Twitter, @jayhandlin

Witnessing their children achieve milestones is one of the proudest moments for a parent.

Meet Rachel

Instagram, handlinrachel

Rachel Handlin was born with Down Syndrome. She graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography and Media from the California Institute of the Arts.

When she graduated, Jay, her dad, posted on Twitter how proud he is for having Rachel as his daughter who got a degree despite her condition.

A Passionate Artist


She discovered her love of art when she was just little, and her parents played an important part in supporting her passion.

Their Family Date

Instagram, handlinrachel

Jay would often take Rachel to museums where “she had an instant, strong, positive physical reaction to the art.”

She’s Also A Photographer


Rachel was in the ninth grade when she received a camera for her birthday. It sparked an interest in her so when she was in high school, she took photography classes.

Not A Viable Reality


While it was a dream come true for Rachel, some people who have Down Syndrome have a hard time succeeding in life mainly because of the stigma that society has towards people like them.

Struggle With Education


Some people with Down Syndrome have an almost impossible view of making it through high school, let alone college because of the limitations set by society.

A Better Place For Them


What a great world it would be if we all strived to make it a better place for people like Rachel to live in. A place where getting a degree is not an impossible dream is a world we can offer to people with Down Syndrome.

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