Football Fans Save Cat Dangling From Ledge Using A Flag

YouTube, WPLG Local 10

Sometimes, a football game itself is not the only heart-stopping event in a stadium.

A Recent Game


A recent University of Miami-Appalachian State University game made the news when an unexpected save took place within the audience.

A Four-Legged Audience Member


As the audience was settling down in their seats, a cat somehow got into the stadium and ended up dangling by a paw from the upper deck.

He’s In Danger

YouTube, WPLG Local 10

Dylan Marinov, one of the attendees, said, “The cat was up there for like 20, 25 minutes, and it wasn’t really moving. I wasn’t recording in the beginning, because nothing was really happening, but then it started moving a lot, so then I thought, ‘What if it falls?'”

Trying To Save Him

YouTube, WPLG Local 10

Craig, a facilities manager at the University of Miami, told WTVJ-TV that people were trying to grab the cat from above but they couldn’t reach him and they were only scaring the feline downward.

The Cromers


Season ticket holders, Craig and Kimberly Cromer, were sitting just below the dangling cat. Good thing Kimberly takes the U.S. flag with them to all of their football games, and they normally zip-tie it to the handrail.

Getting In Position

YouTube, WPLG Local 10

Other attendees stood up to help save the cat. They stretched Kimberly’s flag, waiting on what the cat’s next moves would be.

He Falls Down

YouTube, WPLG Local 10

The cat started to wiggle to the edge, dangle by a paw, and eventually drop right onto Kimberly’s flag, causing him to tumble from the fabric before being scooped up by the audience.

Good Save


The cat wasn’t really happy about the whole scenario. He was biting and clawing at its captors, but at least he was alive. The Cromers were sprayed by the cat and lost a drink in the event but they know for sure that that day was one for the books.

Watch football fans catch a falling cat using a flag in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: FaithTap

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