Proud Dad Tries On Shirt His 9-Year-Old Son Sewed

YouTube, CBS Boston

Kids need to learn about confidence at a young age, and parents play a vital role in this.

Meet Sam

YouTube, CBS Boston

Sam Gouveia is a 9-year-old boy whose parents have always supported him with his craft – sewing.

A Sad Experience


Sam had experienced getting bullied in Kindergarten for wearing red nail polish and taking an interest in sewing, but luckily, his parents have since taught him about self-love and acceptance.

Taking It Seriously


Sam took sewing classes at the Franklin Mill Store for six weeks, and when he’s finally shown the outcome to his parents, they were both proud and happy for him.

A Gift For Dad

YouTube, CBS Boston

The young boy came home one day, holding a hand-sewn shirt for his dad, Aaron Gouveia, and his reaction was priceless.

He Loves It

YouTube, CBS Boston

Aaron immediately tried on the shirt that fits perfectly to his size. It has a 70s collar and a beautiful pattern that, Sam says, goes well with his dad’s jeans.

How It Started


Sam has now come a long way with his sewing skills. His interest in this craft was inspired by his Great-Aunt Val, and since his parents have always been supportive of him, it was quite easy for him to develop his skills even more.

A Special Gift


For his ninth birthday, his parents gifted him with a Singer sewing machine, and his reaction upon opening his present was also priceless.

People Love Him


People from all over the world sent him various fabrics to support his sewing. Sam also shared what he’s learned from his journey. He said, “You can do anything, if you be yourself.”

Watch Sam’s inspiring story in the video below.

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