Dad With Dementia Remembers Song He Wrote Decades Ago

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For some people, music is a huge part of their lives, especially if a particular song has a special memory attached to it.

Time Flies


One of the sad things about life is how time flies so fast. One moment, you’re young and carefree, then in just a blink of an eye, you’re getting old quickly, gradually losing your memory.

Meet Paul

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79-year-old Paul Harvey lost his memory quicker than most of us because of Dementia.

Visiting His Son


Paul visited his son, Nick. That’s when the young man thought of asking his dad to play one of his compositions.

They Both Doubted


At first, the two men were not sure if Paul would be able to remember a song. Nick even pulled out a music sheet for his father.

But He Didn’t Need It


They were both surprised when Paul started playing an entire song from memory that was his 1980s original piece entitled “Where’s the Sunshine”.

Capturing The Moment


Nick immediately grabbed his phone and recorded his dad playing the piano. This is truly a special moment, considering Paul’s condition.

Never More Present

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Nick, who also writes for television, wrote in the caption of his dad’s video, “Dad has dementia. Sometimes he drifts into another world and I feel like I’m losing him. He is never more present, however, than when he plays the piano.”

His Number 1 Fan

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Nick has always been Paul’s biggest fan. He has always applauded his music, and admits that his compositions could have “easily been good enough for the West End stage.”

Watch Paul’s heartfelt musical moment in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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