Sweet Dad Takes Son On Coffee Dates Before Sending Him Off To Pre-School

YouTube, Good Morning America

It’s important that kids know that they are loved by their parents and there are thousands of ways to show them how much they are cared for.

Crucial Years


During a child’s early years, it’s crucial that parents make sure that they have a close eye on the things they are exposing their children to – this includes the surroundings they’re growing up in, the words they’re hearing from adults, and how their guardians are treating them.

Daddy Duties


We do not usually hear stories about dads who are as focused on child care as moms are, but this cool dad has definitely raised the bar for how to treat your kids right.

Meet Lou And Luca

YouTube, Good Morning America

Lou is a dad to an adorable 4-year-old kid named Luca who just started going to Pre-K.

Adjusting To A New Routine

YouTube, Good Morning America

Lou said that Luca is very routine-oriented so to help him adjust to a new routine as a Pre-K student, his dad takes him on a 15 to 20-minute coffee date before dropping him off at school.

Their Favorite Spot


Their go-to place is the coffee shop right around the corner from their house and because they are regular customers, they do not have to look at the menu and order anymore.

The Usual


Lou said, “We actually don’t even need to make the order anymore. They have my, you know, large cold brew – what they call a baby-ccino, which was just steamed milk in, like, a little to-go coffee cup.”

His Goal

YouTube, Good Morning America

Lou’s goal is to strengthen his bond with his son while they do activities that they both enjoy, and he’s planning to do this for years yet to come.

His Daugther Is Next


His daughter is about to go to Pre-K 3 next year and he also plans to take her with them on their little coffee dates.

Watch Lou and Luca’s wonderful dad and son bond in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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