Curious Dog Has An Uproarious Reaction To Baby’s Dog Toy

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There’s nothing that makes a child more excited than a new toy.

The Importance Of Playing


Playing is an important part of childhood. It not only entertains the child but also helps build social and decision-making skills.

Fun Stuff


When we were kids, we all had that one toy we were particularly fond of. Maybe it’s because our favorite parent or relative gave it to us, or it’s just really fun to play with in an unexplainable way.

His New Toy

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On September 25, Abigail Johnson bought her 18-month-old son Charlie a new toy of a miniature barking dog.

It Looks Like His Friend

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What’s interesting about the new toy is that it looks like their pet cockapoo named Lola.

Hilarious Reaction

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When Abigail gave Charlie the toy to play with in their living room, she had no idea she’d receive such a funny reaction from Lola.

Suspicious Little Puppy

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Lola stared suspiciously at the new toy then jealously hopped into Charlie’s side who’s enjoying the sight of his new toy.

Calm Down, Buddy

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Seeing his furry friend’s reaction, Charlie looked at Lola as if telepathically telling her that she’s still the best puppy for him.

Still The Best Buds


The friendship between a dog and a baby like Lola and Charlie will definitely play a great and wonderful part in the kid’s childhood. Fun moments like this should be kept forever.

Watch Lola and Charlie’s funny reaction in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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