Mama Cow Keeps Her Newborn Calf A Secret

YouTube, The Dodo

A mother’s love is incomparable, and it causes them grief and trauma when their babies are taken away from them.

Meet Clarabelle

YouTube, The Dodo

Clarabelle is a rescued dairy cow who now lives with Edgar’s Mission.

A Sanctuary


Edgar’s Mission is a beautiful farm sanctuary in Australia that has over 153 acres of land for rescue animals who have been through a lot.

Clarabelle’s Past


The organization saved Clarabelle from a dairy farm where she was about to be put away because of low milk production.

They Took Her In

YouTube, The Dodo

When the volunteers rescued Clarabelle, they didn’t know that she was pregnant, and they also just learned that the cow had already given birth before, but she always had her calves taken from her.

Her Due Date Is Coming

YouTube, The Dodo

About a week before she was expected to give birth, the rescuers noticed that Clarabelle was acting oddly. She wasn’t eager for mealtime anymore and decided to walk on the grounds instead.

They Investigated

YouTube, The Dodo

The rescuers looked out into the field, and when they didn’t see anything unusual, they searched a little deeper on the property and eventually found Clarabelle’s baby hidden underneath some tall grass.

Her Big Secret

YouTube, The Dodo

The calf that they saw didn’t appear to be born that day as she was dry and clean, which meant that Clarabelle had been caring for and hiding the baby for quite some time.

Keeping Her Safe

YouTube, The Dodo

The rescuers believe that Clarabelle was used to having farmers take her babies, which made her afraid that it would happen again so she hid the calf to keep her safe, but she can now rest assured that no one is going to take away her baby anymore.

Watch how protective Clarabelle is with her baby in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Animal Channel

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