Brave Cop Rescues Dog From Burning Car

Rumble, rumblestaff

For some people, their dogs mean the world to them so they will do anything to keep their fur babies away from harm.

Driving With Dogs


Dogs love car rides. There’s nothing more fun to them than popping their heads outside the window and embracing the cool breeze as their humans drive along the highway.

Places That Are Not So Pet Friendly


Even if we’d love to bring our fur buddies with us wherever we go, there are places that don’t allow pets to come in so we’re left with no choice but to leave them waiting in the car.

Safety Measures


No matter how careful we are in observing safety measures when we leave our dogs in the car, accidents still happen sometimes.

A Car Incident

Rumble, rumblestaff

One cold day, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office received a call about a burning SUV parked at the side of the road.

Someone’s Inside

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When the police arrived at the scene, he saw a man, presumably the owner of the car, standing distressed at the back of the SUV.

He Rushed To Help

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Without second thinking, the cop broke the car window to free up some smoke.

He’s At The Back

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The cop did the same to the windows at the back part of the SUV. After some moments, the dog who was trapped inside stuck his head out, which gave everyone a feeling of relief.

Time To Cool Down

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The kind police pulled the dog out of the car and tossed him into the snow so his temperature could come down.

Watch how the quick-thinking cop saved a dog from a burning car in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Rumble

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