Sweet Grandpa And Grandson Have A Contagious Laughing Session

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Grandfathers and grandsons have many ways to bond.

A Unique Way


While some grandparents love to bond with their grandchildren by playing and going out, some have a unique way of doing it – like sharing a good laugh.

Caught On Cam

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This grandpa and grandson’s precious moment of joy was luckily caught on camera.

The Best Medicine


While we all know that laughter is the best medicine, this grandpa probably knows that it also makes a person look younger.

Non-Stop Joy

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The two boys can’t stop laughing while looking at each other. They may pause for a moment, but just a glance at the other person signals another series of solid laughter.

Flashing Those Teeth


The baby doesn’t seem to mind that he doesn’t have a perfect set of white teeth to show just yet. He just seems to savor the joyous moment he’s having with his old man.

Tummy Ache Strikes

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The laughing almost stopped when the baby experienced a slight tummy ache, but in just a few seconds, they’re both back at it again with laughing.

It’s Contagious


When one person in the room is laughing, it’s hard not to laugh with him. That’s what probably happened with the grandpa and grandson.

Fun Times

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People on the internet adore the laughing duo. They love the silly video of the young boy and old man, and it continues to capture the hearts of more people with every view.

Watch the grandpa and grandson’s hilarious laughing session in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Facebook

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