Boy With Asperger’s Syndrome Writes Poem That Leads To Book Deal

YouTube, MyNBC5-WPTZ

You’ll be amazed when you find out what goes on inside the head of a child.

A Form Of Expression


One of the best ways of expressing oneself is through writing. It enables a person to express themself no matter who they are.

Grab A Pen And Paper


Some people are not comfortable saying their thoughts and feelings out loud so they choose to write them instead.

Meet Benjamin

YouTube, MyNBC5-WPTZ

Benjamin Giroux is a 14-year-old kid who has Asperger’s Syndrome.

The Autism Spectrum


People with Asperger’s syndrome have difficulty with socializing, engaging in routinary behavior, standing firm on what they think, and focusing on rules.

A School Activity

YouTube, MyNBC5-WPTZ

Benjamin once wrote a heart-melting poem at school about his condition and it is stealing the hearts of many.

Featured On Facebook


Benjamin’s story was then shared on Facebook by the National Autism Association.

Now It’s A Book

Instagram, bookends_literary

Eventually, Benjamin’s poem turned into a book and is now available in 20 different languages.



In no time, social media has started the #oddtoo campaign to raise awareness about the life of a person with a condition like Benjamin’s. It has truly inspired a lot of people and hopefully made the life of those like him easier.

Watch Benjamin’s touching story in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

Source: Ron Project

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