Rescue Cat Becomes Disabled Dog’s Comfort Animal

Our burdens lighten when we have friends and family who love us and help us carry them as we go through life.

“Like Cats And Dogs”

Two people who constantly fight are often compared to cats and dogs because they’re usually portrayed in movies and TV shows as worst enemies, but in reality, cats and dogs are also able to develop great friendships with each other.

Meet Charlot

Charlot was born a healthy puppy, but her life changed when she got diagnosed with canine distemper.

A Tragic Illness

Her illness caused her to be paralyzed, to the point where she couldn’t stand up to walk or even get up to eat or drink anymore.

It’s Heartbreaking

Charlot’s situation doesn’t only affect her, but her mom as well who has to give extra time and effort to feed her and take her to places.

Life Goes On

It’s a good thing that her mom loves her so much. She doesn’t let her miss out on things, especially on how beautiful life is outside their home. She carries her during her walks and lets her bask in the warmth of sunlight outdoors.

Trying And Trying

Charlot’s mom continued to find ways to help her regain her leg function. This includes water and physical therapies, and getting her a walker, and things became even easier and better when Olaf, a rescue cat, entered their lives.

Her Best Bud

Olaf understands Charlot’s emotional and physical pain and makes sure that she’s beside her when she needs her.

Great Companion

Olaf loves curling up beside Charlot and this provides comfort to the depressed dog, making her development even easier and more possible.

Watch how Olaf became Charlot’s support animal and best friend in the video below.

Watch Video Here:

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